The arraySize Attribute
Attribute arraySize : arraySize
Base type of arraySize is a list of (union of (nonNegativeInteger, token)). There are several restrictions on the list. The value must match "(\*|(\d+))(\s+\d+)*".
• nonNegativeInteger: There are several restrictions on the value. The range of the value is [0..*]. The schema processor collapses value's whitespace. The number of fractional digits is less than or equals to 0.
• token: There are several restrictions on the value. The schema processor collapses value's whitespace. Enumeration values are Click here to show Comment(*).
 Collapse XML
<xs:attribute  name="arraySize"  type="tns:arraySize" />
 Collapse Uses
 Collapse Type (1)
 Collapse Used-By
 Collapse Attribute Group (1)
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