The SPKIDataType Complex Type
Local elements (1)
Complex Type SPKIDataType
The SPKIDataType type does not allow mixed content. There is no restriction on type derivation. 
 CollapseClick here to hide comment XML Instance
-Begin Sequence [1...*]
<ds:SPKISexp>base64Binary</SPKISexp> [1..1]
 Allows any elements from other namespaces (lax validation). [0..1] Allows any elements from other namespaces (lax validation). [0..1]
End Sequence
 Collapse Attributes
Name Type Summary
No Attributes
 Collapse XML
-<complexType  mixed="false"  name="SPKIDataType">
-<sequence  maxOccurs="unbounded">
<element  name="SPKISexp"  type="base64Binary" />
<any  maxOccurs="1"  minOccurs="0"  namespace="##other"  processContents="lax" />
 Collapse Uses
 Collapse Type (1)
 Collapse Used-By
 Collapse Element (1)
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