The description Complex Type
Complex Type description
The description type does not allow mixed content. Other types cannot be derived from description by using one of the following method(s) : restriction.
description is derived from string type. There are several restrictions on the value. The schema processor collapses value's whitespace. The length of the value is greater than or equals to 1. The length of the value is less than or equals to 255.
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Name Type Summary
lang language
In due course, we should install the relevant ISO 2- and 3-letter codes as the enumerated possible values . . .
Use of this attribute is optional. Its form is unqualified.
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 Collapse XML
-<xsd:complexType  final="restriction"  name="description">
-<xsd:extension  base="uddi:validationTypeString255">
<xsd:attribute  ref="xml:lang" />
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