The infoSelection Simple Type
Simple Type infoSelection
Other types cannot be derived from infoSelection using one of the following methods : restriction.
infoSelection is derived from NMTOKEN type. There are several restrictions on the value. The schema processor collapses value's whitespace. The value must match "\c+". Enumeration values are Click here to show Comment(all | hidden | visible).
 Collapse XML
-<xsd:simpleType  final="restriction"  name="infoSelection">
-<xsd:restriction  base="xsd:NMTOKEN">
<xsd:enumeration  value="all" />
<xsd:enumeration  value="hidden" />
<xsd:enumeration  value="visible" />
 Collapse Uses
 Collapse Type (1)
 Collapse Used-By
 Collapse Attribute (1)
 Collapse Element (1)
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